Question: How can we implement pagination on a custom WP_Query Ajax ?
Answer: We can follow the following steps.
1. Load More link.
Load More
2. Javascript: - Put this at the bottom of the file.
var ajaxUrl = ""; var page = 1; // What page we are on. var ppp = 3; // Post per page $("#more_posts").on("click",function(){ // When btn is pressed. $("#more_posts").attr("disabled",true); // Disable the button, temp. $.post(ajaxUrl, { action:"more_post_ajax", // offset: (page * ppp) + 1, offset: (page * ppp), ppp: ppp }).success(function(posts){ page++; $(".name_of_posts_class").append(posts); // CHANGE THIS! $("#more_posts").attr("disabled",false); }); });
3. Put this in the functions.php file.
function more_post_ajax(){ $offset = $_POST["offset"]; $ppp = $_POST["ppp"]; header("Content-Type: text/html"); $args = array( 'post_type' => 'post', 'posts_per_page' => $ppp, 'cat' => 1, 'offset' => $offset, ); $loop = new WP_Query($args); while ($loop->have_posts()) { $loop->the_post(); the_content(); } exit; } add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_more_post_ajax', 'more_post_ajax'); add_action('wp_ajax_more_post_ajax', 'more_post_ajax');
4. Enjoy :)
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