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DIVI theme- Collapsible Nested Sub Menu Items for Mobile
DIVI theme- Collapsible Nested Sub Menu Items for Mobile

The Future of Web Design: Trends to Watch in 2024
Web design is constantly evolving, influenced by advancements in technology, changes in user behavior, and shifts in aesthetic preferences.

AI features into a website built with HTML
Incorporating AI features into a website built with HTML requires a combination of front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and leveraging AI-powered APIs or services

WooCommerce Account Page Custom Endpoint
We can do it using below simple steps. We have to add the below code given in steps in our theme functions.php or in plugin code.

How to Build a Social Media Cost Calculator with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
If you're managing social media campaigns, you know how important it is to estimate costs effectively. Today, we'll create a simple Social Media Cost Calculator using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This tool will help you or your clients calculate ad spend, content creation costs, and management fees—all in real-time!

Using jQuery, we can easily hide and restore the placeholder when the user clicks on the field
you can use jQuery to hide the placeholder when a user focuses on a field and restore it when they blur (leave) the field. Here's an example: