WordPress: How can we use WPDB Class To Connect and Fetch Data From Another Database?

How can we use WPDB Class To Connect and Fetch Data From Another Database?


Let us say we have installed wordpress into the database wp_wordpress and we want to fetch some data from another independent database which has nothing to do with wordpress .

Here is how you can do it.

Query to Data Using WPDB

If we have used the wordpress global variable $wpdb before, querying for data is nothing different from what we have done previously.

Now, here is the trick. we have to instantiate a new WPDB instance.

$mydb = new wpdb('username','password','database','localhost');
$rows = $mydb->get_results("select Name from my_table");
echo "
    "; foreach ($rows as $obj) : echo "
  • ".$obj->Name."
  • "; endforeach; echo "

The benefit is the ability to use all the wpdb classes and functions like get_results, etc so that there's no need to re-invent the wheel.

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