Magento 1.9 - Magento Interview Questions and Answers

Twelve important questions and answers in Magneto .

Q 1) What is the difference between

in Magento.


always finds for an existing object if not then create that a new object but
always creates a new object.

Q 2) Why Magento use EAV database model ?

Ans) In EAV database model, data are stored in different smaller tables rather than storing in a single table. product name is stored in catalog_product_entity_varchar tableproduct id is stored in catalog_product_entity_int tableproduct price is stored in catalog_product_entity_decimal tableMagento Use EAV database model for easy upgrade and development as this model gives more flexibility to play with data and attributes.

Q 3) How to upgrade to the latest version using Magento Connect?

Ans) Upgrading Magento to the latest version is a fairly simple task. Copy and Paste this key magento-core/Mage_All_Latest VIA Magento Connect where it states Paste extension key to install:. This will upgrade Magento to the newest version.

Q 4) Explain about the Modules of Magento?

Ans) Magento supports installation of modules through a web-based interface accessible through the administration area of a Magento installation. Modules are hosted on the Magento eCommerce website as a PEAR server. Any community member can upload a module through the website and is made available once confirmed by a member of the Magento team. Modules are installed by entering a module key, available on the module page, into the web based interface.

There are three categories of modules hosted on Magento Connect:

  • Core Modules
  • Community Modules
  • Commercial Modules

Core and Community modules can be installed via the administration area. Commercial module pages provide price information and a link to an external website.

Q 5) How to include CMS block in template file(.phtml)?

Ans) Access block’s content from .phtml template file by :

echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('static_block_id')->toHTML();

Q 6) How to get the Total Price of items currently in the Cart?



Q 7) How to set different themes for logged in users?



Q 8) How to create magento custom module?

Ans) Steps to create custom magento module:

Namespace : Zag

Module Name : Mymodule

1. Create directory Mymodule in app/code/local/Zag
2. Create Block, controllers, etc, Module directories. Create controller, block and module file as required.
3. Create module configuration file (app/code/local/Zag/Mymodule/etc/config.xml).
4. Create xml file (app/etc/modules/Zag_ Mymodule.xml)to enable/disable module and tell magento system from which code pool that module will be taken.

Q 9) How to set different themes for each store?

Ans) Go to :


Then, add new design change or edit existing. You can select Store and Custom Design.

Q 10) How to make product’s custom attribute searchable in advance search?

Ans) Go to :

Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes

Edit the attribute and select “Yes” for Use in Advanced Search.

Q 11) How to run custom MySql query in Magento ?

Ans) Below is the simple code. We can easily understand this.

 $db = Mage::getSingleton('core/resource')->getConnection('core_write'); 
$result=$db->query("SELECT * FROM PCDSTable"); 

Q 12) What is the difference between

in Magento?


always finds for an existing object if not then create that a new object but
always creates a new object.

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